Skin Impairment Management for CVADs
Guidelines for Device Management
Skin Impairment Management (SIM) is the name of a project which was rolled out to collect data from experts working with central venous access devices (CVAD). The data collected focused on practice evidence to aid the development of guidelines for device management. The objectives of SIM are:
- to promote improved skin integrity at CVAD sites and prevention of impaired skin integrity and related CVAD site complications
- to increase an organization’s capacity to ensure provision of optimal CVAD site care.
The project has resulted in a publication in the Journal Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing:
Management of Central Venous Access Device-Associated Skin Impairment – An Evidence-Based Algorithm.
Daphne Broadhurst, Nancy Moureau, Amanda J. Ullman, World Congress of Vascular Access (WoCoVA), Skin Impairment Management Advisory Panel. J. Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2017;44(3):211-220.
An international survey of vascular access clinician current practice in CVAD site care will be collected through an online survey to identify existing practices on management of skin impairment with insertion sites. Data from this survey will assist the taskforce to develop guidelines, in conjunction with a systematic literature review. The taskforce will publish the survey results and later the guidelines identifying recommendations for both routine site care and care of sites with impaired skin integrity.