GloVANet/WoCoVA, in collaboration with the Canadian Vascular Access Association (CVAA), organised a ‘WoCoVA Special Event’ in April 2023.
The ‘WoCoVA Special Event’ took place in Toronto (Canada), where a selection of highly interesting presentations of the 7th WoCoVA (Athens 2022) were presented by well known VA specialists, and thereafter, the CVAA gave their annual meeting during this 3-day lasting event.
Sergio Bertoglio, M.D.
Former Professor of Surgery,
University of Genova –Italy
• Professor of Surgery at the Genoa University School of Medicine 1983- 2020
• Chief Medical Officer and Member of the Board of Plan1Health a Polymed Group Company
• Vascular Access Specialist in the past 30 years
• He has published scientific papers, guidelines, and editorials (see NML-PubMed) on topics related to totally implantable central vascular accesses, peripherally inserted central vascular accesses, and peripheral vascular accesses.
• He has led National and International educational courses and workshops on vascular access devices in particular in cancer patients.
• Member of the Italian working party on vascular accesses (GAVeCeLT).
• Faculty at GAVeCeLT, MACOVA, WoCoVA, AVA, and GIFAV Congress
Born in Milan, Italy in 1974. Since 2016, I lead a multi professional team for the implantation of medium and long term vascular access devices (PICC, ports, PICC-ports, tunneled catheters) for chemotherapy, parenteral nutrition, long term antibiotic therapy, performing more than 2600 procedures per year. I’m also author of several publications and speaker at major national and international congresses.
Born in 1954, he has been working as a surgeon at the Catholic University Hospital (Rome, Italy) since 1980. He has been interested in the area of venous access for parenteral nutrition since the early 80’s. From 1990 on, he has focused most of his clinical and scientific activity upon central venous access devices, becoming one of the leading national experts in this area. In 1998 he founded the Italian Group for Long Term Venous Access (GAVeCeLT) and since 2000, he organizes and coordinates all the educational and scientific activities of this group. In 2005, he was one of the founding members of the European Vascular Access Network (EVAN). At present, he is Professor of Surgery at the Catholic University, where he is Clinical Coordinator for the Vascular Access Service. He is an active member of several scientific societies, including ESPEN, AVA and the WoCoVA Foundation.
In 2009, he received the Suzanne Herbst Award for Excellence in Vascular Access
Giancarlo Scoppettuolo is born in Mirabella Eclano (AV) in 1968 and lives in Rome. Medical Degree in 1992 at Catholic University, Rome. Post Graduation Degree in Infectious Diseases in 1996 at Catholic University, Rome. He is the Head of the Unit for Diagnosis and Treatment of Community-Acquired and Communicable Infectious Diseases of the Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS, Rome. He teaches at the University Masters “Nursing of Venous Access” and “Medium and Long Term Central Venous Access Devices”, established at Catholic University, Rome. Since many years, he is the Vice-President of GAVeCeLT (Italian Group for Long Term Venous Access). From 2005, he is member of the Multi-professional Vascular Access Team of Gemelli Hospital. As a part of this team, Dr. Scoppettuolo inserts every year hundreds of VAD and is the main consultant for VAD related infections. Dr. Scoppettuolo is also member of the Hospital Committee for prevention of Healthcare associated infections. He has presented papers and lectures in many National and International Conferences on Infectious Diseases, Vascular Access and Infusional Therapy. He is author and coauthor of more than 150 publications (papers, abstracts and book’s chapters).
Victor D. Rosenthal, MD, PhD is a Medical Doctor, a Specialist in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Certified in Infection Prevention, and Certified in Programs of Clinical Effectiveness from Harvard University. He is a Research Associate Professor at the Division of Epidemiology, Department of Public Health, at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. He is a member of the Florida Department of Health’s Priority Area Workgroup for Transmissible and Emerging Diseases.
He is the Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of the International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC), a non-profit research center that focuses on healthcare-associated infections (hospital infections) in low- and middle-income countries, and in this role, he has been leading trials since 2002 with over 2,000 researchers in hundreds of cities in more than 50 countries in Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East.
He has written 390 scientific papers and chapters for books, including chapters for the 2007, 2014, and 2023 editions of the U.S. best-selling book “Bennett & Brachman’s Hospital Infections.” His research publications have been cited 12,600 times. He is editorial Board Member of American Journal of Infection Control and other journals. He is Peer reviewer of Lancet and other 100 journals.
The Society for Hospital Epidemiology of America (SHEA), the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology of America (APIC), and other scientific organizations have granted him several international awards.
Dr Amanda Ullman is the inaugural Professor and Chair in Paediatric Nursing, conjoint between the University of Queensland and Children’s Health Queensland (Australia), and a 2021 Fulbright Future Scholar. Amanda believes that children should be able to receive medical treatment in hospitals, without harm. Her research focusses on improving the most common invasive procedure in paediatrics – the insertion of an intravenous (IV) catheter. This research has changed practice, reducing infection and pain, and promoting efficient healthcare, for children internationally. This research program has received considerable investment by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) (>$8M), highly-competitive awards, >100 research articles, two mHealth apps, and international ranking as one of the top global experts in central venous catheters.
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